To be perfectly honest I think article marketing is one the best marketing strategies you can use to attract visitors to your website. Article marketing allows me to create floods of traffic to my website every single day. The greatest thing about this strategy is that it is free. This comes with a price though. That price is time. You have to wiling to invest time in creating content, performing your research and being very consistent. Done properly, you can expect to see guaranteed traffic to your websites every day.
You are probably curious how articles can bring visitors to your website. Well it's quite simple actually. You see, search engines like Google rank websites according to relevancy. If you type in "meat loaf recipe" you are expecting to see search results pertaining to meat loaf recipes. Relevancy is Google's number one priority and is the reason why they are the most popular and credible search engine available. If you can target the right keywords for your articles you will be able to be found by search engines. A very beneficial tip I can give you is to make sure you know what niche market you are going to target and stick with it. For example if you are promoting network marketing products then focus on network marketers. If you are selling vitamins then you want to target health and wellness searchers.
Meat Loaf
One of the best aspects of article marketing is that you can write about anything you want and it also enhances your credibility amongst your readers. If you can provide your readers with useful and relevant content you can use this to increase the chances they will be more responsive to your call to action.
So how do you get started? Below you will see a series of steps you can begin to take and start using article marketing to drive traffic to your website.
1. Do You Own A Website? For most of you reading this right now you probably do. But even for those who don't have their own website that is perfectly fine. I want to mention this because the whole objective of using article marketing is to direct your readers and viewers back to your website. It's totally up to you what you do with them once they visit your website.
2. Original Content - Begin to brainstorm and think about what you can write about. Your articles will deal with subjects relevant to your niche market. You could write a review, how-to article, personal interview or just something in general. Your potential article topics are unlimited.
3. Recommended Websites:
These are article submission sites and get high rankings on the Google search engines compared to some others. Use these when first starting out.
4. Article Word Count - A good recommendation is 500-700 words. This article will be a little more than that, but this is because I am giving you enough information so you can start writing articles. You want to keep your article in this range because this amount is just enough to get enough information across to your audience. Minimum word counts for some websites is 250 and the maximum is all the way up to 5,000.
5. Spelling & Grammar - This is very important, but it won't kill you if you happen to somehow misspell "too" for "to." Just make sure your article is readable and you do a thorough spell check yourself before submitting. Don't always rely on an automated spell checker. This tool is good for misspelling, but not grammatical errors. It looks totally unprofessional if your article has all kinds of grammatical and spelling errors in it, so just be aware of this.
6. Publishing Your Articles - A popular question is "where do I post my article content?" There are thousands of different places you can do this. The first place you want to post your article content is your own website, especially your blog. The next places are article submission websites and article directories. Start with the websites above. You could also convert your content in a Squidoo lens. Visit to learn more.
7. Signature Box/ Resource Box - This is one of the most crucial components of your articles. Your resource box is the area of your article, usually towards the bottom, where you give your readers more information about you or the article. This is the place where you provide your website links or any other place you want to direct your readers to. They will probably go take action and visit your websites if you provided valuable content in your article.
8. Article Submission Software - Article submission software allows you to create one piece of content and have it distributed to hundreds of article directories with the push of a button. These tools are super powerful because the more places your articles can be found by searchers, the more traffic you will get and in turn more money. There will be a link at the bottom of this article with a recommended article submitter tool.
9. Alternative Content - In order to increase traffic to your website and exposure of your content, consider using some other marketing resources. For each piece of content you create you can write an article, turn it into a press release, create a video about it, post in a forum and post in to your blog. This makes your content available in more places, for many more visitors to see.
10. Keyword Research - You must know what keywords your searchers are typing in. There are free keyword research tools available for you to use. Two excellent tools are Word Tracker and Google's free tool. Just go to Google and type in "free keyword tool" and you will see each option in the search results. Look for keywords that are popular, but not over saturated by advertiser competition.
The final tip I can recommend is to be super consistent. Article marketing is an excellent way to drive targeted traffic to your website, but it will take time and require you to create a lot of content. If you follow the tips above you will be sure to get tons of traffic to your website and solidify yourself as a credible authority in your own niche. Till the next article my friends.
Very Useful Article Marketing Tips
Joey Fratantoni is an expert article marketer and helps hundreds of online business owners increase traffic to their websites with his effective article marketing tips. Click Here for access to the best article submitter on the internet. This is my secret weapon that I use to submit an article to hundreds of directories with the click of a button.
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