Cooking With Quinoa

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Have you ever experimented with cooking quinoa before? I you have not yet given it a try, you should try it for yourself and see why so many people have begun cooking quinoa on a regular basis. This ancient grain has been cultivated in South America for almost 6,000 years, but in the last few years it has steadily been gaining popularity in the United States. This is thanks to a great deal of attention that it has received from nutritional experts - most all of who refer to quinoa as a super food or super grain.

A relative to spinach and beets, quinoa is actually not a grain at all. Rather, it is a seed. The reason that it is commonly referred to as a grain is because that is how it is treated in cooking. It is considered to be much more nutritious than most grains, largely because of it's impressive amino acid profile. While most plant based foods are short on at least one of the nine amino acids that we must get from food, this is not the case with quinoa. Because of this, it is considered to be a complete protein source. People who are trying to watch their diets also enjoy quinoa, thanks to the fact that it has low-glycemic carbohydrates which we now know are much healthier than white carbohydrates. In addition to this, quinoa is loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals. More than one health guru has stated that quinoa just may be the perfect food. Even NASA has taken the time to research quinoa to examine its potential as a crop to be grown in long term space missions.

Meat Loaf

A great thing about quinoa is that is is one of the most versatile foods you can find. This means that you can enjoy it any time of day. What other food can you stay works just as well as your morning cereal as it does in your favorite stir fry recipes? In addition to in stir fry and as a cereal, other popular ways to enjoy quinoa include in soups, salads and casseroles. You can use it as a binding ingredient in meatballs and meat loaf and even toast it to put over yogurt. If you have not yet tried it, why not give quinoa a try?

Cooking With Quinoa

To find great quinoa stir fry recipes or to learn more about quinoa please visit me at

Tags : all clad copper core 3 quart saute with lid


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