Meatloaf - The Underrated Delicacy

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The two meats are pork sausage meat and minced beef. The best ratio is to use about 1lb 10ozs of good, lean minced beef and mix it with just 6ozs of sausage meat. Beat one egg and mix in 2 or three slices of white breadcrumbs into a separate bowl. this makes for a good base in which everything else will meld well.

Garlic can be to taste. My own preference is for a whole bulb of it, well and truly crushed. Mix this into the egg and breadcrumb mixture and add a good squeeze of tomato purée and a tablespoon of English mustard. Getting all the non-meat ingredients to co-operate in this way always makes for a fool proof final mixture.

Meat Loaf

Finely chopped sage should then be added last with just a couple of pinches of paprika. Finish this with a generous teaspoon of salt and as much ground black pepper as you wish. Now use this as a liaison to the meat mixture, adding a squeeze of lemon juice as you do so. Garlic doesn't like lemon juice; it tends to go green, which is harmless but it doesn't look very nice.

Get the oven up to heat - 180C for a conventional oven or 160C if it's a fan oven. While this gets a head of heat up, thoroughly mix the whole thing together. A hand mix for about 10 minutes is best, but most folk will resort to a mechanical method these days.

Place the mixture in a 2lbs loaf tin and level off. You can either cover the top with greaseproof paper or else cover the whole area with streaky bacon.

If you use greaseproof, remove it after about an hour and a quarter then put back in for another 15 minutes to brown off. If you use the bacon, just leave it there. If if disintegrates, that's fine. It will have done its work by infusing the loaf with bacon fat. Most chefs would leave it on and crunch through it with a large kitchen knife.

And that's it. Carefully remove from the tin and you're looking at a meatloaf - the underrated delicacy. Cut it into generous slices and serve with onion gravy. Best vegetables would be carrots, cabbage and leeks. A creamy mashed potato is also the perfect accompaniment and will be enjoyed by poor and rich alike.

Meatloaf - The Underrated Delicacy

To discover more great recipes go to

Arthur C Throovest ran an outside catering company, Big Triangle, which serviced Birmingham City Council for their premier, prestigious events. The Birmingham International Film Festival was the most demanding event for this co-operative, catering for 500 people for lunch and serving them all within 45 minutes; all with different tastes,too. Special cultural diets all had to be catered for and the whole operation took place out of doors in Birmingham City Centre.

Recommend : all clad masterchef 2 7 piece cookware set


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