The Chronicles of Narnia American conducts "Turkish delight

Saturday, June 26, 2010

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December 2005 was a movie called "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis book on shared function. He led the audience in four British children living in England during the Second World War World in Landscape with his uncle has never moved away. Children are forced to talk. In a game of hide and seek, the youngest daughter, Lucy came across a beautiful wooden furniture. As Lucy is mounted on the rearCloset, he found himself standing in the snow in the land of Narnia. Lucy finally back in the room and tells her sisters about their discovery. Finally, his brother Edmund follows Lucy in the closet and I saw Narnia for themselves. Here, Edmund meets the White Witch, who calls himself the Ice Princess and ruler of Narnia. She is very interested to know his brothers and sisters of Edmond. Offers a compelling treatment Edmund to bring his brothers and sisters at his castle of ice. OfferedTurkish delight and lead the American public to this very sweet old man.

Turkish delight is to have its origin in the Middle East centuries ago under the name of Lokum. He also called turkish paste over the years. Today, it is still very popular in the cultures of the Middle East and Europe. Its base is mostly corn starch and sugar, but more modern recipes using gelatin and sugar. The original flavor is rose water, but in the context of the fruit centuryFruit juices such as lemon and orange trees were used for diversity. Pistachios and walnuts are often used to add a different texture. When the mixture sets, it is soft and sticky and diced. And 'then dipped in powdered sugar and is best when kept in an airtight container.

Turkish Delight

Two cups granulated sugar

A cup of water

A sparkling wine and gelatin pellets in a shell

Orange juice

The juice of one lemon


A half-cup of chopped walnuts meat

Soak the gelatin in the middle ten minutes of cold water. Put the remaining sugar and water to the boiler and bring to boil, add gelatin and orange juice and soaked in lemon. Bake at 240 degrees or soft boil, dye and nuts with meat. Beat cream, turning into a pan, first dipped in cold water an inch deep. Let stand until firm, take on board and cut into cubes, roll in powdered sugar.

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