Why not us?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The other day, a business customer told me: "Why not just what kind of things?" I know how. So you have to do, but I did not. "

What is it?

This is the big rock in your company, you should avoid. She works in our business and not on them. There is a lack of planning, inadequate monitoring, lack of analysis. Why are we doing?

For many of us, is fear. What happens if I stop long enough for the plan? Not my thing away from me? Do not let my clients / customers, becausesee that I'm not paying attention? If you are not in this session of networking have to do, people make me forget and I do not want to attract new customers. We are like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, always rushing to say that we are lagging behind.

Since I got my first job in A & P supermarket in New Jersey, said, "look" busy, but doing nothing. In the business world, sitting with his feet on the desk just was not done (except for Big Boys)Especially for a woman. This attitude leads me to my most of the time. If you do not get into your computer, so I'm not really, am I?

May relate to this? If you were running around and panic, when there is nothing "on", even if you do list is long.

It is the use of a slow season for the occasion! If there is a crazy season for you to plan for a couple of weeks of vacation is the race once. What should I do?

Business Plan: If youYou have no business plan, it is one. Check your income and expenses against a former real update.

Marketing plan and budget plan: what you spend your marketing plan and budget for next year. Even if and how you learn about marketing effectiveness.

Contact Management: Learn how to manage the contacts you made for network sessions and follows up with customers and clients you have, to preservethem.

Finance: Get a financial advisor and learn about the relationships you need to check periodically to see how your company is doing.

Read: read a book or two companies. Take a class. Learn something new, even if his way to make fresh bread!

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