Why Don't We?

Friday, March 11, 2011

The other day a business client said to me, "Why don't I just do this stuff? I know how to do it. I know it needs to be done, but I don't do it."

What's it?

Meat Loaf

It is the big rocks in your business that we avoid. It's working in our business and not on it. It's lack of planning, lack of reviewing, lack of analysis. Why don't we do it?

For many of us, it's fear. What if I stop long enough to plan? Won't my business get away from me? Won't my clients/customers leave because they see I'm not paying attention? If I don't get to that networking meeting, people will forget me and then I won't get a new client. We're like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, always rushing around saying we are late.

From the time I took my first job at an A & P supermarket in New Jersey, I've been told to "look busy" even if there was nothing to do. In the corporate world, sitting around with your feet on the desk thinking just wasn't done (except by the big boys), particularly for a woman. And I carry that attitude into my own business most of the time. If I'm not sitting at the computer typing, then I'm not really working, am I?

Can you relate to this? Are you scurrying around and panicking when there's nothing "TO Do," even though your to do list is long.

If this is a slow season for you, seize the opportunity! If it's a crazy season for you, plan for a few weeks once the holiday rush is over. What should you do?

Business Plan: If you don't have a business plan, make one. Check your actual income and expenses against an old one and update it.

Marketing Plan and Budget: Plan out what you will spend your marketing plan and budget on in the coming year. Also determine how you will learn about the effectiveness of your marketing.

Contact Management: Figure out how to manage the contacts you do make at networking meetings, and how to follow up with clients and customers you do have in order to retain them.

Finances: Get with a financial consultant and learn the reports you need to review on a regular basis to see how your business is doing.

Read: Read a business book or two. Take a class. Learn something new, even if its a new way to make meat loaf!

Why Don't We?

Casey Dawes helps women small business owners get on the fast track to business success through consulting, education, coaching and speaking. She is passionate about helping women business owners succeed. Go to [http://www.WomensBusinessFastTrack.com] to get a free report that tells you how to get on the fast track for business success.

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